Getting started with FarHaven is easy! Simply follow the steps below and step into our magical world!
Familiarize yourself with FarHaven.
Visit the downloads page and download the rulebook; take a look at it to understand the rules and game world you are about to step into. The more you are acquainted with the rules and lore the better time you will have during your first event at FarHaven. You might also consider joining the FarHaven Facebook group FarHaven LARPers to post any questions you may have about anything pertaining to FarHaven including character creation, rules, the game itself, lore, or any other questions you may have.
Create a character
Grab the rulebook from the downloads page to learn about the world and what kind of character you want to play in it including the races of Talum and their respective home-worlds. Once you have picked out your race, create a backstory for your character and decide what your first skill will be and whether you want to start with an extra point of Mana or Energy. Once everything is decided, create an account on the website, join Create Your Character, navigate to My Character, and finally click on Create a Character to submit your character! You may then view your character sheet on the Character Information page.
3. Sign the liability waiver
Download the liability waiver from the downloads page and sign it according to the respective instructions found on that page. Signing the liability waiver is required to play at FarHaven.
4. Send in your waiver
Email your signed liability waiver along with your name to
5. Pick an event to attend
Check out the upcoming events on the homepage or on the Facebook group, pick out which event you would like to attend, get your tickets, (unless it’s your first time as first timers get in and eat for free!) and make your plans to attend. If you are coming and it’s your first time, please email us to let us know which will assist in our headcount and bookkeeping. If it isn’t your first time, purchase your tickets on our website and make your preparations to attend. We look forward to seeing you in FarHaven!