Frequently Asked Questions

  • LARP stands for Live Action Role Play and essentially functions as a real life role playing game. If Dungeons and Dragons was real life you’d essentially have LARP. Each player creates a character and acts as that character for the entirety of the event completing quests, fighting other players, interacting with NPCs and much more! The world is your oyster when it comes to LARP which is why many people find it so fun and rewarding.

  • A FarHaven event consists of lots of role play and interaction in character. FarHaven is heavily role play intensive although there is plenty of combat. During an event players begin by checking in and taking their player materials (If they have any) they are owed. After that the player is officially in character and will act like their character until the event is over which is different depending on the type of event. For day events, the event will be over later that day, but for a weekend event the event will last over 2 nights. Really a FarHaven event is what you make it. You can go pick fights with adventurers, help the locals with quests, play games at the tavern and share stories, open a shop and create a financial empire, delve into politics, or really anything your heart, or your character’s heart, desires.

  • In FarHaven anyone that is 18 or older may attend. Players under that age may attend with certain stipulations. Anyone that is 16 or 17 may attend if they have a signed form from an adult, and anyone from 13 to 15 may attend if they are accompanied during the event by an adult. No one 12 and under may attend FarHaven. Outside of the age requirements anyone is welcome! Whether this is your first event or you are a seasoned veteran you will find something for you here at FarHaven!

  • Outside of the cost of weapons and costuming, day events for first timers are free of charge to attend (although donations for food are appreciated but not required). For repeat attendees, one day events are $20 and a meal ticket is $5. As for weekend events, the cost is TBD. We are a new LARP, but in the future we will have weekend events. This money is required to pay the event grounds costs and insure the event which is quite expensive in total; the cost to attend will reflect the number of attendees it will be split between, so let’s get a lot of people to attend ASAP!

  • FarHaven is a medieval fantasy LARP; as such, we request that you dress in garb appropriate to that time. Try to avoid things like zippers, jeans, sneakers, baseball caps, and the like. You do not need to spend a ton of money to get a costume. Many period looking articles or materials to make said costuming can be found at thrift stores and fashioned into a costume for very cheap. There are many videos on YouTube on how to do this exact thing if you need help. As we are a new LARP and since many people that attend at the moment are new to the hobby, we will not refuse anyone not in period garb; however, it is very strongly encouraged. In fact, if you show up in costume you get an armor bonus!

  • The complete rulebook can be found on the downloads page.

  • Not if you don’t want to! The rulebook serves as a universal standard that the game is run by. You are expected to follow the rules in the book, but you will learn most of them just by attending. It will certainly be beneficial to you if you read the rules, but it is not required. If you wish to create a character on your own it would be beneficial to read the rules as they contain information on classes, races, and the lore of FarHaven, but if you wish to have help creating one when you show up at an event that is also an option. The rules are there as a metric for running the game, and you are welcome to read as much as you like.

  • Yes you can! You are free to attend and watch the game, although it is strongly encouraged to participate (LARP can look a little weird from the outside looking in). If you are spectating, it is requested that you still dress in period accurate clothing and not interfere with the players. Even if you don’t want to play a full character you can still participate by playing an NPC (Non Player Character) for a quest, or even a worker NPC that serves food or something. There are many options for people that don’t want to play a full blown character.

  • Yes you can! You are free to make your character as good or as evil as you want to. Also if you would like to play as a monster you are welcome to play one of the in game monster NPCs. Everyone takes a turn playing a monster for a portion of each event (Known as “monstering”), but outside of that some players may choose to play a monster the entire time which is an option.

  • Yes you can! We are just starting out and are looking for members of plot as well as people to run things in game, work on the social media side, organize meetings and events for the game, as well as come up with quests and stories to implement in the game!

  • At the moment there is no limit to the amount of people that can attend a given event. In the future as FarHaven grows we may need to limit spots.

  • The first thing to do in order to get started with FarHaven is to read the rulebook and create a character! The rulebook has all the information you need in order to create your character. Once you have your character in your head, and potentially on paper, it’s time to bring them to life! Go and create a costume that reflects your character and buy or build them a weapon (If you do not have a weapon a starter sword will be provided for any character during their first visit)! Get involved in our Discord or Facebook page to post about your character or any questions you have for the upcoming event(s). Be sure to mark if you’re going or not for the upcoming events! On event day be sure to bring all your game materials to the location, check in, and then prepare to enter into a magical world for a spell and leave all your cares behind!

  • The sky really is the limit in regards to your character. The only restrictions is that the character must fit within the FarHaven lore as listen in the rulebook; but the character itself can be whatever you want it to be. Want to play a Havien who grew up as a Tundarran and now hunts down orcs with vengeance for killing his first herd of sheep when he was 10? You can! Want to play a character who simply wants to create delicious meals and sell them to patrons at a shop for in game currency? You can! Want to play a corrupt and shrewd old crone that has a dream of ruling the kingdom? You can! You can truly play any character you want in FarHaven!

  • If you want to! Although if you do this be sure to make the characters distinguishable from one another. If you play two Timber Elves that look the same and wear the same clothing no one will be able to tell when you are one or the other. It is certainly possible and allowed within the game though!

  • Pretty much anything. Seriously. The game is very wide open in regards to what a player can do. They can fight monsters, chat quietly with their companions, buy and sell goods, gamble in game currency away in the tavern, eat food, go on walks, complete quests, start guilds and factions, run for politics, uproot the legal system, take players to court, steal from players and NPCs, and much more! If you can think it up, nine times out of 10 you can do it in FarHaven.

  • We currently are testing out holding our events on some spacious and beautiful private land in Arnoldsville, GA. The exact address can be found on the Facebook event, or Discord event.

  • For more questions, feel free to post them in the Facebook group FarHaven LARPers, message the FarHaven page, or post in the FarHaven Discord and someone will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have! We hope to see you in Talum soon!!